Someone once said that “a change is as good as a rest.” As adults, we enjoy a trip away from the house, the yard, and the office. But experts like tell us that those family trips are also good for our children. Vacations are good for their brains and their hearts!

“Smart” Travel

Telling your children that they could learn something on vacation might be like breaking the news that French Fries are a vegetable. But, why say anything? Any experience that exposes them to a different culture can expand and open their minds. A trip from the east coast to the west can expose a child to the size and variety of scenery within our own country. A trip to a historic site like Colonial Williamsburg can be fun and can plant the seed for a future historian or teacher. Even a day at an amusement park can be deceptively educational. What shape is the Ferris wheel (geometry)? How does the roller coaster work (physics)? Just as important is the conversation that children have with their family about what they see, hear, and learn. Sharing the experience is the best part of a family vacation.

A Voyage of the Heart

Making good memories matters! According to research conducted by the Family Holiday Association (Britain), 49 percent of respondents said that their happiest memories were of family vacations. It is a time to relax, be silly, and have the long rambling conversations that don’t fit into a packed, busy day at home. A long walk on the beach or through a forest can help the whole family to slow down and enjoy each moment. Research shows that our children will return to those memories when their lives become more challenging as a source of comfort and perspective.

Children on Beach